Navigating a clear course toward your financial security.

Who We Are

Employees of Three Bearings Fiduciary Advisors come from various educational and experiential backgrounds.  Besides providing our clients with a concierge level of service, we are also parents and grandparents, volunteers for non-profit entities, and actively involved citizens in our communities. We draw on these experiences to provide our clients with a deeper understanding of financial matters at each stage of life and in each unique situation. In other words, we practice what we preach to our clients: True happiness comes from giving back more to society than we are receiving.

Our employees are held to these high standards of conduct:

We use state-of-the-art technology to support our clients’ needs and to communicate effectively and frequently with our clients.

Please review our Client Relationship Summary (Form CRS) for more information about our firm.

Navigating a Clear Course

"Three Bearings" is a navigational reference and it symbolizes the long-term nature of our financial planning work.  We need to get a fix on where you are today (your net worth statement), we learn about your goals (the destination) and we chart a course to get you there (a cash flow statement that includes income, savings, and expense components).  As the journey progresses, we help you with mid-course corrections to counter currents that take you off course.

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